After the Storm by Tobias

For three days in March this year, North Berwick was hit by freezing winds coming from Siberia, a lot of debris washed up on the shore. As a result, lots of seabirds took the opportunity to eat the small sea creatures and seeds from the dunes which had washed up on the beach. There were…

Plight of the Puffins by Chris

Puffins are one of the most iconic birds around the world! You find Puffin statues in airports to morning cereals called Puffins (yes, it’s an actual thing and no Puffins are harmed in the making of the cereal 😉) Few realise that this iconic bird is declining very fast and if nothing is done we…

Hi! I’m Ruby!

Meet Ruby, one of our Young Seabird Ambassadors! #YOYP2018

Hi! I’m Chris!

This is Chris – he is one of our Young Seabird Ambassadors #YOYP2018

Supporting the Year of Young People

As an education and conservation charity, the Scottish Seabird Centre supports Scotland’s Year of Young People. In this blog, we will post what we are working on as well as share posts from our Young Seabird Ambassadors! Thanks for your interest.